Spring Bingo for Preschoolers

Spring Bingo for Preschoolers

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Spring is in the air, and this FREE Spring Bingo game is a fun, educational, and hands-on activity perfect for starting this season.   

Spring Bingo for Prechoolers
Spring Bingo for Preschoolers

The Spring Bingo game includes two versions with six pages each, one for younger learners and another for more advanced learners. You can decide which kiddos to group according to their development level.      

The simpler version’s cards each include nine pictures, while the advanced version consists of 24 images. I also included 64 picture cards to show the children which pictures they should mark on their bingo cards. You can find them at the end of this post.

If your preschoolers have been exposed to other bingo games, they can work independently. However, new students or children unfamiliar with these types of games will need your guidance.

You can use the Spring Bingo game as a small or large group activity or combine it with other Spring-related activities to create different stations the children can rotate through.

Spring Bingo - simpler version
Spring Bingo – simpler version
Spring Bingo Cards
Spring Bingo Cards
Spring Bingo - advanced version
Spring Bingo – advanced version

This Spring Bingo will help your preschoolers develop several skills while having fun.  Some of the most important ones are:

  • Concentration and Memory Development – they need to focus to get it right.
  • One-to-One Correspondence and Creating Sets – when they have to match the picture you are showing them with a similar picture on their bingo cards.
  • Sensory Development – because they use some of their senses when they hear and see the card you are showing and touch, feel, and manipulate objects.
  • Eye and Hand Coordination – when they see the picture, and place the bingo chip in the appropriate square.
  • Social Skills – when they take turns and communicate with other players.
  • Fine Motor Development – when they move their hands and fingers while playing the game.
  • Visual Discrimination – when they look at the pictures and are able to match it with the one on their cards.

The process of preparing this game is straightforward.  You only need the following materials:

The only thing you need to do is print the Bingo Cards on white cardstock.  Then, cut them out and laminate them. I strongly suggest you do that to protect the cards from wear and tear and have them available for your students to play repeatedly. Store them in a Ziploc bag for next year when Spring is over.

To start, each child chooses a bingo card. The teacher or one student (if they are playing as a small group activity) should place the picture cards in an envelopebasketbag, or any other container where they are not visible.

Then, the teacher or child takes a random card out and shows it to the children, and whoever has that picture on his/her bingo card should place a chip on top of it. 

The child who fills up an entire row (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) and yells “Bingo!!!” wins. If the child is distracted and doesn’t shout “Bingo!” before another one does, he/she loses.

To extend the game, the winner can be the first to complete their whole card.

Extension Activities:

The individual cards are so cute and pretty that you can use them for many other learning activities, taking advantage of the variety in the pictures. 

Some of the uses and activities that you can use these cards for are:

  • Phonological Awareness Game: Take one of the cards and name the picture emphasizing the beginning sound.
  • Letter RecognitionTake one of the cards and name the picture, saying the name of the letter that the picture starts with.
  • Language Development: During circle time, Select one of the cards and invite your preschoolers to talk about the picture on it. 
  • Literacy: During a large or small group activity, invite your preschoolers to create a story using the picture on one of the cards while you take dictation to make a class book. Once the story is finished, type the individual paragraphs and paste them on white paper.

Invite the students who didn’t participate in the story to become the illustrators. Once all the pages are done, staple them together, make a cover with a piece of construction paper, type the title and the names of the authors and illustrators, and laminate all the pages.

Don’t forget to make copies of the book to send home to all the preschoolers.

  • Artwork: Place tempera paint and crayons in the art center and invite each preschooler to select a card and use it as inspiration to draw or paint a picture.
  • The Missing Card Game: This game is better as a small group activity. Take three to five cards and place them on a table. Ask your preschoolers to name the pictures on each card. Then, have your children close their eyes while you remove one card. Then, ask your preschoolers to open their eyes and tell you which card is missing.

Remember to read to your preschoolers every day. Below are some good books about Spring that you can use. You can find them all at your local library, used bookstores, and Amazon. If you want to add some to your collection permanently, click on the titles to go directly to Amazon through my links.

  • Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring by Kenard Pak. This story is about a boy and his dog exploring nature and how they say goodbye to winter and spring.
  • I Am Spring by Rebecca and James McDonald takes young children on a journey about how the day becomes longer, the leaves begin to sprout, and bugs and animals that were hiding start reappearing. This story teaches young learners the crucial changes during Spring.
  • I See Spring by Charles Ghigna. This story celebrates the season of Spring with a rhyming, easy-to-read test about raindrops, robins, bluebells, and butterflies!
  • It Just Blooms by Deanna Chesley is a story that will help children of all ages understand that they are perfect just the way they are and can bloom uniquely and in their own ideal time!

  • Lola Plants a Garden by Anna McQuinn is about how Lola and her mom plan Sunflower seeds together and create a beautiful garden where she and her friends eat cakes, punch, and read a story amongst the flowers.
  • Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert.  This author uses this book to teach young children about colors and flowers.
  • Spring is Here by Will Hillenbrand. This cute story is about a mole trying to wake up his bear friend from his long winter nap and baking a special springtime cake. It is a perfect read-aloud, full of simple sound words and lots of repetition, and it is ideal to share with young readers to celebrate the changing of the seasons. 
  • The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle is a classic story about the life cycle of a flower through the adventures of a tiny seed. It is perfect for children to act out the story and use it as inspiration to create their wildflower garden.
  • Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt by Kate Messner is a sweet story about things you see in the garden, like leaves and sprouts, growing vegetables, and ripening fruit. It also describes the world of earthworms digging, snakes hunting, skunks burrowing, and all the other animals that make a garden their home.
  • When Spring Comes by Kevin Henkes uses striking imagery, repetition, and alliteration to introduce basic concepts of language and the changing seasons.

If you are in a rush and don’t have time to read the post and download the printable but want to save it for later, pin it to your Math or Spring board on Pinterest to have it available when needed.

Spring Bingo for Preschoolers

Don’t forget to grab your FREE Spring Bingo printable!  Just click on the button below to download both versions in one file.

Be happy, safe, and creative. I wish you well.



P.S. If you want to see an article about making something specific, please let me know, and I will try my best to write it.

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