
Assessments for Preschoolers

Assessments For Preschoolers

Assessments provide an incredible amount of useful information about each child’s progress and needs allowing preschool teachers and parents to know the developmental level of their children to design individual activities to help them develop key skills to ensure their school readiness.

Celebrating International Red Panda Day With Preschoolers

Celebrating International Red Panda Day With Preschoolers

International Red Panda Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of September, to create awareness about this beautiful species that is already near extinction, trying to protect it and solve the problems that are causing this situation. These ideas and suggestions intent to create in our preschoolers the desire to become defenders of the planet and its inhabitants for life.

Portfolios for the Preschool Classroom

Portfolios In The Preschool Classroom

Portfolios allow teachers to evaluate the child’s overall performance, encourage preschoolers to reflect on their work, give parents the opportunity to see more clearly their child overall knowledge, and give the teachers a powerful tool to show parents the actual child’s progress using the child’s work samples and evaluation results during parent’s conferences and highlight the best traits of each child and their classroom as a whole.