About Me

Hi, I Am Yey Guzmán
Welcome to The Crafting Teacher! I am super happy that you’ve stopped by to visit!
My ultimate goal is to help young teachers and parents navigate the world of the preschoolers and develop their creativity.
I became an arts & crafts teacher at the age of 15, and immediately started teaching children, teenagers and adults. After obtaining my degree in Special Education, I began working with preschool children during the day, and teaching arts & crafts during the afternoons and weekends.
After a few years I went back to school and obtained my B.A. in Elementary Education. Then a became a Spanish, Social Studies and Science teacher for 1st to 7th graders, using the Whole Language Method. This practice helped me develop my teaching abilities even further and allowed me to integrate my academic and crafting knowledge, in order to teach my students all they needed to know in a creative way, without the use of text books.
When I moved to Florida I became one of the few teachers that started teaching the Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program (VPK), falling in love with the preschoolers and never looking back.
Why blogging?
Even though I’ve been a preschool director for several years, I can’t leave my teaching-self forgotten, constantly passing along what I have learned over the years to my staff and my parents.
That is why I decided that my next step in life was to start my blog, as a way to share everything I know through my articles, activities and free printables.
Thank you for visiting The Crafting Teacher. Stay true to who you are, and remember that anything is possible, if you really try.
Be happy, safe and creative. I wish you well.

Years of Teaching Experience.
As a Preschool Director.
As a Preschool
Teacher's Mentor.
Teaching Arts & Crafts to preschoolers and adults.
What Can You Learn From Me?
My blog is for young preschool teachers and parents who might be struggling to understand their preschoolers, create age appropriate activities and a rich learning environment.
- Hands-on Activities for Preschoolers.
- Helpful Tips and Resources for Preschool Young Teachers and Parents.
- Lesson Plans Guides and Templates for Preschoolers.
- Arts & Crafts for Preschoolers and Adults.


Get Your FREE Teacher's Plan Book
As a token of my appreciation for visiting me, please have Teacher’s The Plan Book. This freebie includes 28 amazing pages to help you develop an effective management system for your preschooler classroom.